
Whitetooth Brewing Company
Distribution strategy
  • Expansion to new region plan
Sales Strategy
  • Prospecting
  • Lead generation
  • Sales Scripts
  • Push Strategy (Liquor Stores and Distributors)
  • Pull Strategy (Restaurants and End Consumers)
Mountain Life Financial    
Business Strategic Plan
  • Prospecting Strategy
  • Communication Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Guidance Document – to make confident decision after on their own
  • Rebrand and new business channel creation
  • Repositioning Value Proposition to Empty Niche in Market
  • Business Strategy
    • Marketing Plan
    • Guidance document
    • New revenue stream development
    • Value Proposition
Tyler Hayden – Team Building Speaking                                                                
  • Sales Strategy
  • Lead Generation
Golden’s Gym
  • COVID-19 Use Confidence Plan
    • How to reach membership during a prolonged forced closure
  • Social media strategy and online community creation
  • Guidance Document
Golden Community Coop
  • Launch of the re-brand
  • Communications Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Social Media content Calendar
  • Partnership strategy
Tiny Solutions, Big Problems
Phone: 403-609-5085